Sunday, September 20, 2015

When parents love you too much.

I will try to be as anonymous as possible because I want every person to be able to relate as much as possible.

I am 21 years old and I currently live at a small house at an old and worn out subdivision. Our house is not fully paid nor I think will ever be fully paid.. I graduated from a prestigious school in which we pretty much ran on debts. I am very thankful for my parents for always finding a way to pay for the tuition fee. They are the best.

During elementary school, my parents really were strict. They do not allow me to go out of the house except for school and groceries. Well, I guess I understood their point that time since I was still very young. They were pretty hands on my studies.

High School I thought would be different. I was STILL not allowed to go to the mall by myself. I was never allowed to ride public transportation because they say that it is not safe. Whenever my friends ask me to go with them I always use different excuses so that I may escape going with them. I felt left out, sad and alone. I try to think that they do it because they love me but sometimes I wished they would let go.

College was the BEST. I got sent off to a dormitory a bit far from our home to live for 4 years (I get to go home the weekends). My parents would call constantly to remind them that I should just stay within the dormitory and not wander off to other places. I felt freedom for once. So of course, I did not follow them. I went partying, I learned to drink and smoke from time to time. I did almost all of those every parents feared of. I could not help myself. I felt captive for so long and this was the first time I was stepping out. I did not study much although I was very thankful I still passed. I go back to my dorm in the wee hours sometimes even drunk. I was able to explore different places on my own and sometimes with friends. I love being independent. These were the best years of my life.

Well, all good things must come to an end...

I graduated college. I actually did. I was very sad and emotional the moment it hit me that I had to leave paradise and go back to reality which was our shabby house.

Luckily now, my parents are a little more open to me riding public transportation but still I could not take that they won't still let me go out with my friends. My mom once told me, "We never stopped you from going out." My answer to that was, "You never let me go either. So that's the same thing." She did not reply after that. I feel that time is eating me up alive. I am wasting my life stuck at home when I am young and the opportunities are endless..

To all the parents out there: PLEASE I beg you. Do not do the same things. Let your children express themselves. Let them learn through experience. Yes you love us and we know that. But holding on to us tight will only make us wanna go more. 

To all the children with the same experiences: Try to be strong. Try to talk to your parents about it. I guess they have to know eventually right? COMMUNICATION is KEY. It is hard at first but once you brake the thin ice that separates you with them, all good things will follow. They are your parents and they are the ones who can help you above anyone. Have FAITH. Stay STRONG.

If you have any comments please do comment down below :)

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