Sunday, September 20, 2015

Changing Yourself

Hello again! :)

You might ask me, why change yourself. Shouldn't you find someone who loves you just the way you are? (I hear Bruno Mars all the time with that song.) 

Well you are not doing it for them but rather doing it for YOURSELF.

You want to be a better version of yourself. Just think of it this way, you deserve the best right? Then they too deserve the best version of you. 

I understand that you should love yourself and that you should embrace what God gave you. Let me ask you this, wouldn't it be easier to love yourself when you feel good and contented?

Life is too short to live in regrets. Stop living in the past and enjoy what is ahead of you.

Here is my story.

I am overweight. I am fat all my life and I am not ashamed. But no matter how much I try to feel good about myself, I still feel bad and depressed at the end of the day. I am those types who joke all the time and try to be funny so that I can somehow divert the attention on me being overweight. I have lived like this for over 20 years already since I am overweight at a very young age. You know how a chubby kid gets the "you're so cute. i want to pinch you" dialogue? That's me. Unfortunately I did not outgrow it. Teen years was when I struggled the most. I was so insecure with others and I always wonder why those girls can easily get a boyfriend while I stay single all the time. Life was unfair. I turn to God all the time because I knew that he was the only one I could talk to without really judging me. I have tried all the methods; starving myself, eating less, insane workout. None worked. I did each for about a week until I could no longer continue. This is because it is not the healthy way of doing it. Until finally, I decided. It is time. No more excuses. I am now trying to undergo a healthy way of living.

My diet right now is less carbs. I try to take it gradually so I would not shock my body. I barely eat rice anymore. For breakfast, I eat oatmeal and about a tablespoon of sugar. I sometimes substitute it with honey but its a bit more expensive.

I try to stray away from fried foods though it couldn't really be avoided so I try to eat it about once a week. 

My exercise routine as of this moment is 30 mins every morning. The key also is to drink as much water as you could,  Even more than 8 glasses a day.

If you have any questions comments or experiences comment below