Wednesday, September 23, 2015

He LEFT me. T_T

This is the day that I have been scared of.

You know how they say they are so lucky to have you and that you may not be his first but you will surely be his last?

My boyfriend is my everything. I loved him the minute he smiled at me. He was the kindest and sweetest person I met. He gave me everything.

His texts are the first thing I see and also the last one I read before I go to sleep. He has been one of my daily routines and I feel incomplete whenever I don't hear from him.

When I'm with him, I try to be the BEST.

I get jealous with some of the girls around him. I want him to be only mine. I cherish him that much.

But how can someone so in love end up not caring at all.

Did he not care to begin with? Was it all just a lie?

The hard thing was that I gave him my all. But now that he's gone, I don't know what's left of me. I feel so lost. I'm terrified. I loved him so much that I forgot those around me. He was all that was on my mind.

I always think what he was doing and if he slept early or maybe if he was feeling alright.

But how was it so easy for him to let go. Why is it that I'm hurting while he is practically perfect.

Song on my playlist: Amnesia- 5 Seconds of Summer

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Why is love so complicated?

I am the type of girlfriend who is..
- insecure
- jealous
- sweet
- understanding

I am not materialistic at all. I TRY to be the perfect girlfriend. But still, why do men LEAVE me?

I really don't understand. 3/5 of my relationships ended due to a 3rd party. You know how they say when they break up with you, "it's not you, it's me. you're perfect." WHY DO THEY SAY THAT.
That's just insane.

I get upset over the little things. Like him forgetting our date, or him not replying to my text. I am NOT high maintenance but all I need is constant reassurance that he loves me and that he will never leave me. Is that so hard to do?

I cry over the little stuff. But isn't it better to care too much than to not care at all? Why is it that LOVE is so COMPLICATED.

Maybe it's inevitable that women are really this way. No matter how we say we don't mind, at the end of the day we actually do.

To all the girls: You just have to know when to stop. When it's not worth it anymore. The moment that you see you're not happy anymore or you feel that he no longer sees you as a priority, please take time to breathe and gradually learn to let go.

To all the boys: Please do learn to appreciate the little things your girl do for you. She could have picked anyone to spend her time and he picked you. You should be thankful. Be proud of your girlfriend and PLEASE all we want is for you to say that you will never leave us and even if someone else shows up they will never be as good us.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

When parents love you too much.

I will try to be as anonymous as possible because I want every person to be able to relate as much as possible.

I am 21 years old and I currently live at a small house at an old and worn out subdivision. Our house is not fully paid nor I think will ever be fully paid.. I graduated from a prestigious school in which we pretty much ran on debts. I am very thankful for my parents for always finding a way to pay for the tuition fee. They are the best.

During elementary school, my parents really were strict. They do not allow me to go out of the house except for school and groceries. Well, I guess I understood their point that time since I was still very young. They were pretty hands on my studies.

High School I thought would be different. I was STILL not allowed to go to the mall by myself. I was never allowed to ride public transportation because they say that it is not safe. Whenever my friends ask me to go with them I always use different excuses so that I may escape going with them. I felt left out, sad and alone. I try to think that they do it because they love me but sometimes I wished they would let go.

College was the BEST. I got sent off to a dormitory a bit far from our home to live for 4 years (I get to go home the weekends). My parents would call constantly to remind them that I should just stay within the dormitory and not wander off to other places. I felt freedom for once. So of course, I did not follow them. I went partying, I learned to drink and smoke from time to time. I did almost all of those every parents feared of. I could not help myself. I felt captive for so long and this was the first time I was stepping out. I did not study much although I was very thankful I still passed. I go back to my dorm in the wee hours sometimes even drunk. I was able to explore different places on my own and sometimes with friends. I love being independent. These were the best years of my life.

Well, all good things must come to an end...

I graduated college. I actually did. I was very sad and emotional the moment it hit me that I had to leave paradise and go back to reality which was our shabby house.

Luckily now, my parents are a little more open to me riding public transportation but still I could not take that they won't still let me go out with my friends. My mom once told me, "We never stopped you from going out." My answer to that was, "You never let me go either. So that's the same thing." She did not reply after that. I feel that time is eating me up alive. I am wasting my life stuck at home when I am young and the opportunities are endless..

To all the parents out there: PLEASE I beg you. Do not do the same things. Let your children express themselves. Let them learn through experience. Yes you love us and we know that. But holding on to us tight will only make us wanna go more. 

To all the children with the same experiences: Try to be strong. Try to talk to your parents about it. I guess they have to know eventually right? COMMUNICATION is KEY. It is hard at first but once you brake the thin ice that separates you with them, all good things will follow. They are your parents and they are the ones who can help you above anyone. Have FAITH. Stay STRONG.

If you have any comments please do comment down below :)

Changing Yourself

Hello again! :)

You might ask me, why change yourself. Shouldn't you find someone who loves you just the way you are? (I hear Bruno Mars all the time with that song.) 

Well you are not doing it for them but rather doing it for YOURSELF.

You want to be a better version of yourself. Just think of it this way, you deserve the best right? Then they too deserve the best version of you. 

I understand that you should love yourself and that you should embrace what God gave you. Let me ask you this, wouldn't it be easier to love yourself when you feel good and contented?

Life is too short to live in regrets. Stop living in the past and enjoy what is ahead of you.

Here is my story.

I am overweight. I am fat all my life and I am not ashamed. But no matter how much I try to feel good about myself, I still feel bad and depressed at the end of the day. I am those types who joke all the time and try to be funny so that I can somehow divert the attention on me being overweight. I have lived like this for over 20 years already since I am overweight at a very young age. You know how a chubby kid gets the "you're so cute. i want to pinch you" dialogue? That's me. Unfortunately I did not outgrow it. Teen years was when I struggled the most. I was so insecure with others and I always wonder why those girls can easily get a boyfriend while I stay single all the time. Life was unfair. I turn to God all the time because I knew that he was the only one I could talk to without really judging me. I have tried all the methods; starving myself, eating less, insane workout. None worked. I did each for about a week until I could no longer continue. This is because it is not the healthy way of doing it. Until finally, I decided. It is time. No more excuses. I am now trying to undergo a healthy way of living.

My diet right now is less carbs. I try to take it gradually so I would not shock my body. I barely eat rice anymore. For breakfast, I eat oatmeal and about a tablespoon of sugar. I sometimes substitute it with honey but its a bit more expensive.

I try to stray away from fried foods though it couldn't really be avoided so I try to eat it about once a week. 

My exercise routine as of this moment is 30 mins every morning. The key also is to drink as much water as you could,  Even more than 8 glasses a day.

If you have any questions comments or experiences comment below

Nordette: A morning after pill encounter

Hello everyone. I started this blog because I too can feel what you are probably feeling right now. I tried searching the web for a solution but unfortunately most posts are already outdated. So this is a new take on things.

Disclaimer: I am not an expert. What I post here are strictly my opinion. I am NOT promoting abortion or contraceptives neither pre marital sex.

Yes. I know. You made a mistake and you're searching for solutions maybe because you are not yet ready to have a baby. The right time will come and it just so happens that it's not today. I hear you.

Let me tell you about Nordette. It is about 85-95% effective if used PROPERLY.

It is a 21 pill containing contraceptive pills. There are 2 manufacturers for this. 
The white pills by Pfizer

and the green package by Wyeth,

This will cost you about 160-180 pesos. (I bought mine at a small drugstore near our house.)
This is available in any drugstore Nationwide. If ever they ask you for prescription the just go to a smaller and cheap drugstores.

Nordette is used as an Oral Contraceptive Pills so PLEASE let's not make it a habit of using this as often as we like. This may actually cause cancer or infertility at a massive dose.

So let's get to it.
There are 2 doses you have to follow.
First: make sure that you are really fertile. Check your period and count the days. But if you are experiencing irregular menstruation like me then you can skip this already.
Second: After intercouse you SHOULD take 4 pills (FIRST DOSE) of nordette ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Try not to delay for over 24 hours however some cases say that it is still effective till 120 hours.

1-48hrs after unprotected sex: 90-95%effective
49-72hrs after unprotected sex: 80-85% effective
73-120hrs after unproteced sex: 70% below

So PLEASE take it as early as possible.

Third: After 12 hours of your first dose, take ANOTHER 4 pills ALL AT THE SAME TIME. (second dose).

That is all to it. PLEASE try to follow the time table. Some blogs say that it is still effective even 1 hour late but common, why take the risk guys! Save the rest of the pills left. By the end of this you should have ingested a total of 8 pills. 13 should be left out of the 21 pills.

To make sure, you can purchase a PREGNANCY TEST KIT at around 135 pesos. 2-3 weeks after

Side effects are as follows: The most prominent is NAUSEA and VOMITTING (if you vomit after the first or second dose it's still fine because it is only a side effect. just make sure that atleast a good 4-5 hours have past to make sure that the pills were properly absorbed. If vomitting occured right after ingestion then take another 4 pills. Next is STOMACH CRAMPS. This is tolerable and nothing to worry about. BLOATING. 
DO REMEMBER that by dong this method you are actually ingesting a LARGE amount of hormones all at the same time so you would really feel side effects.

Just wait. Patience is KEY. Do not stress yourself and wait for the WITHDRAWAL BLEEDING. This is usually the one that most likely is the marker for effectiveness. You will have a reddish to brownish discharge that usually lasts for up to a week. Some blogs say that it is already your menstrual cycle but some says it's not. The withdrawal bleeding is expected 4-14 days after the second dose.

This is my experience...
My boyfriend and I had intercourse dated September 7 2015 at around 5:00pm. He was a virgin that time and did not really know the consequences and I do blame myself for not explaining it to him. He ejaculated inside me and I did not know it just yet. I thought that he used the withdrawal method. After the deed, he told me that he could not control it anymore so he wasn't able to pull it out right away. To make the story short, I asked him to buy me a Nordette and he was able to give it to me the next day(September 8, 2015) at around 4:30pm. I ingested 4 pills immediately. I woke up 12 hours after at 4:30am (September 9, 2015) to take my second dose of Nordette. I took for pills for the second dose. On that same day, I immediately felt the side effects of Nausea and Vomitting. I could not do anything because a simple chore would make me feel so nauseous already. I do not want to vomit at all so I remained at bed almost the whole day. The side effects only lasted me a day. I was very paranoid because the withdrawal bleeding did not happen for me right away. But luckily, September 16, 2015 was the date that it finally came. I still am bleeding and hopefully this could mean that my long wait is finally over.

If you have any more questions, please comment down below. I tried making it as detailed as possible to help you guys. Thank You and GOD BLESS all of us.